Frequently Asked Questions

Family Services and Food Bank

Who is eligible for assistance?

To be eligible for assistance it is necessary to have experienced one of the following situations:

    1. An inability to pay rent, utilities and food on the fixed income that you receive;
    2. An inability to cover increased living expenses;
    3. A sudden loss of income,
    4. A sudden onset of illness, or
    5. A disaster such as a fire, a flood, or a theft.

How do I access assistance?

To access assistance in Owen Sound, you need to have an appointment with one of our In-take Workers. You can make an appointment in person (Monday to Friday, 9 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 3 pm), by calling the Office at 519-371-0957, or e-mailing

To access assistance in Saugeen Shores, please drop in to the Saugeen Shores Community & Family Services office on Mondays, Tuesdays or Fridays from 9 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 3 pm, call 519-389-3942, or e-mail

At your In-Take appointment, you will be required to complete an Assistance Application form, and provide the following documentation:

    1. Appropriate identification for each family member